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A Glimpse of God’s Love through Service: Fe’s Story

At the CURE Children’s Hospital of the Philippines, our housekeeping staff does a stellar job in ensuring every nook and cranny in the building is spotlessly clean. Fe, one of our dedicated housekeeping staff members, helps maintain the cleanliness of the hospital by throwing out the garbage, mopping the floor, and disinfecting the swab test area. Because of local virus transmission, Fe’s job as an essential worker poses a risk not just to herself but to her household as well.

“When the pandemic first started, I was very anxious I might bring the virus to my household. I always made sure my kids didn’t come near me before I had taken a shower. Despite the risks, I resolved to entrust to God my health, that He will be the one to take care of me as I serve Him and serve the patients in the hospital,” Fe shared with us.

Fe trusts God to take care of her while she is taking care of others by keeping the hospital clean. She loves chatting with both patients and guardians while she cleans the ward. Hearing their stories about their experiences at CURE Phillippines (Tebow CURE) compared to other hospitals fills her with pride. She loves being a part of the CURE team. “It’s so heartwarming when they (patients and guardians) appreciate us and our work, telling us the hospital is so clean and orderly,” Fe says.

When asked how her work contributes to carrying out CURE’s mission of healing the sick and proclaiming the kingdom of God, she tells us how she helps reflect the heart of God to patients and families through her service. “I make sure to smile and acknowledge every person I meet. The way we work, we show them a glimpse of God’s love,” Fe explains.

Fe prays that God would continually give her a strong and healthy body to continue serving at Tebow CURE. During this pandemic, let’s not forget faithful workers like Fe and appreciate the job that they are doing for us. We celebrate and thank God for the excellent work of our housekeeping staff. Our frontline housekeepers show God’s love by keeping our facility disinfected and sterilized for the safety of our patients and staff.

You can also help ensure the safety of our patients and staff from COVID-19 by praying for them and donating to fund the needed equipment and gear as we continually respond to the call of healing the sick and proclaiming God’s kingdom in this time of crisis.

About the Tebow CURE Hospital

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Tebow CURE’s mission is to provide every child living with a disability the physical, emotional, and spiritual care they need to heal. If you have questions about becoming a patient or a partner with CURE, please contact us.

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