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The new protocol is that all Tebow CURE Hospital employees walk up to the building, get their temperature checked, step through the footbath, spray rubbing alcohol on their hands, and then check-in for work. Every morning on my way into the hospital, I see one of our maintenance crew members sweeping the ramp to make sure that our pathways are clean and clear for passage. This crew member’s name is Alan.

Alan has been working as a maintenance crew member for Tebow CURE (CURE Philippines) for more than five years and completes a variety of tasks for the hospital including building cabinets, cleaning and repainting walls, mopping and sweeping floors, watering plants, and making sure that the oxygen tanks are filled for the operating room’s usage. Even though no one may be watching, he completes these tasks with excellence.

Alan has assigned tasks and a variety of maintenance work to do, but his true priority is patient care, especially during this pandemic. He helps push wheelchairs along the ramp and sanitizes them before the patients arrive. He completes this on his downtime to keep the patients as safe as possible. Alan’s joy is helping children, and he does this by making sure the hospital is well-maintained before they arrive.

“A person who has integrity is someone who can be left to do their job and knows how to do their job well even when no one is watching them. Also, one must see not only what is in front of him, but also what is around him and assists others,” answered Alan. 

Unquestionably, Alan practices integrity. According to his manager Rommel, “Alan is a Filipino worker equivalent to the metronome––he always ticks on time. He lives more than 30 km away, which is about 45 minutes from the hospital without traffic, yet still manages to come in at 7:30 am every workday to clean our hospital grounds and do his tasks with quality and without complaint. More importantly, he keeps it straightforward and genuine when he speaks to you, about work and about life in general. It’s always refreshing to have someone like Alan who is honest and trustworthy.”

For Alan, trust and unity play a crucial role in one’s integrity at work. The team must trust that co-workers will complete their job on time and that it will be done well – this trust allows the team to work together in unity. Alan knows that the hospital staff, especially the medical personnel, rely on him and the work that he does in order to perform their own duties. He not only completes his tasks, but he also goes the extra mile to serve his colleagues, patients, and families. He uses his talents, like repairing cabinets and building custom furniture pieces, to help out wherever needed. His servant’s heart helps him perform his role well and with integrity.

Alan also works diligently for his wife and three kids. The spiritual aspect of working at CURE has given him encouragement to keep going. “I am grateful that we do devotions every morning before we go to work. We get to hear from God and learn about Him,” Alan said. CURE is helping children with treatable disabilities every day, and Alan is glad to be a part of it!

About the Tebow CURE Hospital

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Tebow CURE’s mission is to provide every child living with a disability the physical, emotional, and spiritual care they need to heal. If you have questions about becoming a patient or a partner with CURE, please contact us.

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